by Ed Beckmann | Jan 20, 2023 | Insurance Claims, Insurance Claims 101
Insured Wisconsin property owners have an opportunity to collect interest on their insurance claim. Interest is important because pursuing a disputed insurance claim comes with the cost of not having money properly in the hands of insured property owners. The purpose...
by Ed Beckmann | Dec 16, 2022 | Insurance Claims, Insurance Claims 101
Insured Minnesota property owners who take their disputed insurance claim to appraisal can recover interest on the award. Appraisal is an out-of-court dispute resolution process comparable to arbitration. In Minnesota, it is the forum to decide the amount and cause of...
by Ed Beckmann | May 28, 2021 | Insurance Claims, Insurance Claims 101
WHAT TO DO WHEN AN INSURANCE COMPANY WILL NOT APPRAISE Insurance companies can be stubborn and refuse to appraise the scope of a loss. In my experience, there are three reasons for this position: The insurer claims no event occurred that could cause damage (i.e., no...
by Ed Beckmann | Apr 28, 2021 | Insurance Claims
Insured property owners may be entitled to interest on appraisal awards. It is wise for property owners to know of this potential recovery when negotiating an adjustment and considering whether to demand an appraisal. The right to interest is typically found in state...
by Ed Beckmann | Mar 30, 2021 | Insurance Claims, Insurance Claims 101
THE DUTY TO MITIGATE Nearly every insurance policy has a duty to mitigate clause. An insured property owner is obligated to mitigate damage before it becomes worse. It is important to understand the principle behind the duty to mitigate and its scope when facing an...