Your Resource for Insurance Claims in Wisconsin
We represent property owners throughout Wisconsin whose insurance claims have been denied or adjustments are too low.
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Wisconsin Hail Claim Deadlines
If a policy contains a one-year deadline the property owner is in a bind.
Repair Deadlines
All principles and rules of contract law apply to a repair deadline. That includes the contract law principle that no party may enforce a contractual requirement when it has frustrated, or hindered, the other party’s ability to perform.
Neutrality Is Everything
No umpire should fear insurance companies to the point they are afraid insurers will never hire them again if they fairly hear the evidence.
Evidence for Appraisal
Evidence homeowners need for appraisal.
Why Not My Roof?
Life is complicated, and so are hailstorms.
Interest on Insurance Claims for Commercial Properties
Best practice is to deliver the “demand for payment” in writing. The reason is evidentiary: weeks or months after a verbal demand for payment memories will fade as to what was said.
Condo and Townhome Unit Owners’ Insurance Claims
any loss covered by the property policy under subsection (a)(1) shall be adjusted by and with the association.
What Appraisals Do Not Cover
The following is a list of common disputes between property owners and their insurance companies that are not determined in appraisal:
Minnesota Hail Claim Deadlines
The one-year deadline for hail claims puts property owners in a bind.
Roof Decking and Building Codes
The principle that arises from this case is “the damaged portion of the property” is not limited to material directly hit by a storm.