Interest on Minnesota Appraisal Awards
The state law method is the default method when the insurance policy does not state the method. The insurance policy itself can govern calculation of interest, to the point that interest can be written out of an insurance policy.
Wisconsin Cooperation Clauses
Most Wisconsin insurance policies include a cooperation clause whereby the insured property owner must produce documents and records to support an insurance claim. The insurance company can deny a valid claim when a property owner fails to cooperate. Yet the insurer’s right to do so is not absolute.
Insurance Fraud in Wisconsin
The essence of a misrepresentation is when an insured states a fact that is false
Cooperation Clause in Minnesota
Insurance companies that allege a breach of the cooperation clause must prove prejudice in addition to materiality.
Insurance Fraud In Minnesota
Insurance companies will refuse to pay claims due to two similar, yet different, reasons: fraud and lack of cooperation. This article will discuss an insurer’s claim an insured property owner committed fraud. There is a distinction between criminal fraud proven by a...
Interest on Wisconsin Insurance Claims
The purpose of Wisconsin’s interest statute applied to insurance claims is found in its name: “Timely Payment of Claims”.
Interest On Minnesota Appraisal Awards
Insured Minnesota property owners who take their disputed insurance claim to appraisal can recover interest on the award. Appraisal is an out-of-court dispute resolution process comparable to arbitration. In Minnesota, it is the forum to decide the amount and cause of...
The Right to Appraisal
Insurance companies can be stubborn and refuse to appraise the scope of a loss.
Interest on Appraisal Awards
Insured property owners may be entitled to interest on appraisal awards.
The Duty to Mitigate
It is important to understand the principle behind the duty to mitigate and its scope when facing an insured loss.