Additional or Supplemental Coverages
Often the reason why these coverages are thought of separately is that they come with separate policy limits.
How Appraisals Should Unfold
Judges are loath to overturn an appraisal award based on the merits of the decision.
Ordinance and Law Coverage
Policyholders owe it to themselves to actually read their own policy and determine the extent of Ordinance and Law coverage.
Insurance Claim Terminology
Following is a summary of important terms property owners should know during the claims process.
What Makes a Good Contractor?
A good contractor knows these limits, and trains its sales force to honor the limitations.
Notice and Prejudice
Prejudice in this context means the insurance company has been hindered in investigating and adjusting the claim.
Old and New Damage
Does the existence of old hail or wind damage result in no coverage for the new damage?
Two Deadlines to Care About
Insured property owners need to be thoughtful about two important deadlines that often fall on the same date but are not the same.
Does Insurance Cover Riots and Looting?
This article is to give a framework for understanding whether your business or homeowners policy may provide coverage.
Can An Insurance Company Slow An Adjustment Due To COVID-19?
In assessing whether an insurance company should slow an adjustment I draw a distinction between site visits that are indoor those that are outdoor.